Sunday, December 7, 2014

7th Dec 2014 (月湖 – Robynn & Kendy)

The song for today is “月湖” by Robynn & Kendy. This song was released earlier this year, but I only heard it recently. I really like Robynn & Kendy’s songs, especially when they are slow tempo. Their voices are prefect for expressing a song that is fully of emotion. The direct English translation of the title is “Moon lake”.

The lyrics of the song are about growing up. The protagonist said that she is walking slowly on the street. She had heard many stories on the lack side. The stain, park and skywalk are still around, but his hands aged a lot (note that in the lyrics, it said “you” without specifically saying who it is. But from the things that she is says, it seems that the protagonist is referring to her parents or grandparents, but for simplicity here, I will just presume that she is talking about her father). She still hasn’t forget how nervous he was, as he once tried so hard to make her fly higher. He also taught her how to better control herself and observed. Time never treat him bad. They gazed at the star and moon, time and light float away and everything started to blue away. Time flies away with the wind, but the moon on the lake could be blow off and she will always remember. Kids like a lot of things; they always wanted to grow up faster and leave for a place far away. The street had finally changed completely, but he never will change. She hasn’t forgotten how relax he was. He let her go freely and wish that she could fly high. As time goes, more wrinkles shows up on his face. Anyone else could replace her to protect him? They both gaze at the star, she felt unlimited comfort when she is with him. Time stop flying. The moon on the lake have been blow off by the wind but she will still remember it. Time will slow down, please allow her to accompany him. Walking along the lake side feels very beautiful. The light casted on the surface of the lake disappeared, but he is always there. Hope you will like the song.

月湖 – Robynn & Kendy

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