Tuesday, November 19, 2013

19th Nov 2013 (今日 – Eason Chan)

If you have been following my blog, you might notice that my emotion have gone through some ups and downs in the last two years. This was all because of my PhD study (I have another blog talk about this, but haven’t update it for a long long time as I really don’t want to think about it).Three months ago, I submitted my thesis for examination and today I got the result back. It wasn’t as great as I hope for, but I passed, just need to make some amendments. I thought that I would be very excited when I saw a passed, yet seeing the result today, I actually feel a bit worry (as I need to do more amendments than what I expected). Not sure is it because I hope for too much and thought that I needed less amendments then what stated now or that I am just a negative person, always see thing in the negative way and minimised the good aspects. Anyways, I am thankful that many people helped me during this difficult time in my life, supported me mentally and physically. Most of these people probably wouldn’t see this blog post as I never told them that I wrote a blog. Although my PhD is not really completed (still a few steps to go), but I would like to use this chance to say thank you to all of them. Also, I would like to thanks you guys for reading my blog. The comments that you wrote on this blog had gave me energy to push forward in my PhD and keep my minds away from negative thought. One of the most lethal problems for PhD student is feeling alone and separated from the rest of the world. Really, thanks to your comments, I feel I was connected to the rest of the world and gave me the room need to breathe and relax. This sounds like a good bye post, but don’t worry, this is not, this blog will continue :D I guess I should stop talking about my study now, otherwise I defeated the original purpose of having this blog (which was to distract myself from thinking about the PhD sadness). If you are really interested about my PhD journey, feel free to read up my other blog. Hopefully I will soon update it to show others what a PhD is all about and the dark side of it.

Back to the normal content, the song that I chose for today is “今日” by Eason Chan. The direct English translation of the title is Today. The message of this song is that we might be unhappy today and found things difficult, but with love we can overcome these problems, shows our full potential and make our dreams come true. Although the song are referring to the love between couple, but I believe that it hold truth even if we describe it as love in general. I would like to use this song as a way to say thank you to all who had helped me during the last few years.

The lyrics said “Today, things might not be smooth and there might seems to be unlimited amount of problems. Like a spiral, it never break (i.e. always remain as a spiral even if you cut it). If today you feel tirade and cried, allow me to give you some warmness, to make this long journey feels like puppy love. That day our passion never burn out, and till today our passion still haven’t burn out yet. No matter what, we will do it together, traveling through the goods and bads. If we can get through all these, it means that we really deserved to be together. Lift up your head, believe in love and you will fly. Hand out your love and you will create a legend. We can’t escape from our ever changing life, but no one could pull love apart. Lift your head up, the sun will rise after darkness pasted. If you think positive, then things will get better. So treasure today, when I look at my love one, I felt that I am already flying. Today is just like yesterday; today is just like any other days. No matter how bad it gets, I will protect you. Without choosing cold or warm, sweet or sour, sunny or rainy, full moon or half-moon, if we can withstand it all, then we can call ourselves truly alive. Lift up your head, believe in love and you will fly. Hand out your love and you will create a legend. We can’t escape from our ever changing life, but no one could pull love apart. Lift your head up, the sun will rise after darkness pasted. If you think positive, then things will get better. So treasure today, when I look at my love one, I felt that I fly through the world. So treasure today, when I look at my love one, I felt that I am already flying, and your eyes are leading my ways.” Hope you will enjoy the song.

1st Aug 2013 (任我行 – Eason Chan)
16th Apr 2013 (開不了心 – Eason Chan)
17th Mar 2013 (幸福摩天輪 – Eason Chan)
24th Jan 2013 (阿牛 – Eason Chan)

今日 – Eason Chan

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